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I-41 Expansion Project construction begins in Outagamie County, expect lane closures and detours

OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, Wis. (WFRV) – Construction on I-41 in Grand Chute begins on Monday, February 10.

This project is part of a larger plan to improve 23 miles of I-41, from WIS 96 in Appleton to County F in De Pere.

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) announced the work will last until fall 2026.

During construction, lanes will be reduced on Lynndale Drive. Crews will be building box culverts under I-41 and Lynndale Drive, and expanding I-41 to six travel lanes. Auxiliary lanes will also be added between closely spaced interchanges.

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Traffic impacts during the week of February 10:

  • Lynndale Drive between Grand Chute Boulevard and Capitol Drive will have reduced lanes starting Monday, February 10, until fall 2025 to construct a box culvert under Lynndale Drive.
  • Northbound I-41 under Lynndale Drive will have narrowed lanes and shoulders beginning on Thursday, February 13, to construct a box culvert under I-41.
  • Northbound I-41 under WIS 15/County OO/Northland Avenue will be CLOSED nightly, Wednesday, February 12 through Thursday, February 13 from 9 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. and Friday, February 14 from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. for equipment mobilization and work zone set up.
  • Northbound I-41 Detour: Traffic will bypass the closure using the on and off-ramps at WIS 15/County OO/Northland Avenue.
  • Southbound I-41 between Richmond Street and Wisconsin Avenue will be CLOSED nightly, Wednesday, February 12 through Thursday, February 13 from 10 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. and Friday, February 14 from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. for equipment mobilization and work zone set up.
  • Southbound I-41 Detour: Take WIS 47/Richmond Street south to WIS 96/Wisconsin Avenue. Turn right and travel west to Southbound I-41.
    The following ramps are also scheduled to close during the overnight I-41 closure:
  • Southbound I-41 off-ramp to WIS 15 will be CLOSED.
  • Southbound I-41 on-ramp from Richmond Street will be CLOSED.

For additional I-41 project information visit i41project.wisconsindot.gov.

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