Northeast Wisconsin organizations set up gift donations ahead of the cold holiday season

(WFRV) – As families in northeast Wisconsin are gearing up for the cold winter nights ahead, so are local businesses and organizations.

Local 5 is giving you a chance to be a pajama hero by partnering with Menasha’s Community Clothes Closet to collect pajamas this winter.

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“This season, we decided to have a new campaign called ‘Be a Pajama Hero,’ where we’re hoping to collect 1,000 pajamas to provide to our families and also raise enough money to purchase 1,000 to 1,500 pairs of pajamas,” said Lisa Jones, executive director of Community Clothes Closet.

You can drop off your donations during regular business hours at either the Community Clothes Closet in Menasha or at Local 5 News until December 3.

The legacy hotel is also giving back this holiday season. The hotel’s general manager said they are more than just a hotel; they are part of the community.

“We’ve joined HSHS Saint Vincent Hospital to collect toys for kids that are in the hospital as well as children in need,” said Susan Engler. “We want to really connect with the hospital in the city of Green Bay and connect with the families there.”

In light of spreading the love and cheer this holiday season, the hotel also offers families access to their Cardinal’s Crest room on the sixth floor and signature restaurant, Heritage, for festive gatherings.

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Celebrate the holidays with loved ones and provide gifts to those in need by donating a set of pajamas or unwrapped toys.

Legacy Hotel’s gift drop-off in the lobby will begin on December 6 and continue through December 20.

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